Sponsors [old]
Friends of Sawtooth Avalanche Center
The Friends of SAC is a critical funding partner for the Sawtooth Avalanche Center. The organization’s annual contribution to the Sawtooth Avalanche Center supplements about 50% of their annual operating budget. In years past, this contribution funded two additional forecasters covering an expanded forecast area, nearly doubled our educational offerings, and provided website and safety messaging upgrades, weather station maintenance, and snowmobiles, an essential tool that allows forecasters to reach deeper backcountry zones and interact with an ever-increasing motorized user group. None of this would be possible without support from our business sponsors, agency partners, and family foundations. The following list highlights these partners and commends them for their generous support throughout the years!

Business sponsors provide the Friends of SAC with ongoing funding and support. They also help host multiple events throughout the year and act as the backbone of our fundraising efforts.

Family Foundations
Family foundations provide funding directed toward specific initiatives and high-value goals. The support that we receive from these community members helps the Friends of SAC develop all aspects of the organization.

Agency partners support our mission in countless ways including land management, fire management, search and rescue, and protecting our communities.
Business Sponsors
$4,000 to $5,999
Business Sponsors
$2,500 to $3,999
Business Sponsors
$1,000 to $2,499
Business Sponsors
Agency Partners
The support that our agency partners provide to the FSAC and the surrounding community is immeasurable. The protection of the community and the lands we recreate on is essential to fulfilling the FSAC mission year after year. Without our agency partners we would not have the areas that so many of us covet nor the support to help community members when they need it most. THANK YOU to our agency partners.
Family Foundations
Wattis Dumke
Nicholas Martin Jr. & Ferris and Minor Families
Nancy Eccles & Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation
Beverly and Michael De Chevrieux
Julie and Steve Rendle