SAC News


Entering ’22-23 Season

Oct 25, 2022

Winter is coming. Can you feel it? Here at the Friends we are certainly feeling it. While you may be doing the garage gear swap, getting your sled out of storage and tuned up, or even trying to eek that last hike in before it gets too deep, we are furiously working behind the scenes to ensure the 2022-23 winter season is everything you want it to be- but most of all that it is safe. This winter season we will be continuing our staple programs and events: Homegrown Film Festival, Digging Deeper, and all our education classes. We also have many new and exciting adventures that lay ahead for this season.

As we progress into the season, stay tuned in this exact location to see what exciting and education events and classes we have in store. In the meantime, be a friend to the Friends and consider giving a donation to support the avy center we all know and love!