Introduction to Avalanches Virtual Lecture

Introduction to Avalanches Virtual Lecture

Join the Friends of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center for a 2-hour presentation based on the Know Before You Go platform, introducing basic concepts about snow, avalanches, and traveling safely in and near avalanche terrain. Learn from the Friends of SAC instructor team of snow experts, mountain guides, and experienced avalanche educators. We invite everyone to join if you’re learning about avalanches for the first time or are a seasoned backcountry user ready for a yearly refresher. 

There is a $15 suggested donation, no preregistration required. You must attend the entire talk to register for the subsequent, optional field session. 

Tp register for an optional field session ($50 suggested donation) please complete the form here. 

Please reach out to Annie at with any questions.

For more information on this, and to see other events we host, please see our Facebook page.

February 15, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Virtual | Zoom